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Who can benefit from homeopathy?

     Some patients come to homeopaths because nothing else has helped. These people view homeopathy as their last resort. If prescribed correctly, a homeopathic remedy may significantly improve even a severe chronic condition. I consider treatment of severe chronic long-lasting cases successful if the patient is suffering significantly less with a noticeably improved quality of life and sometimes a significant decrease in a number and the amount of medications she or he has to take. Sometimes, after a few years of successful treatment the amount of medications can be reduced to very minimal or none. But, from my perspective, the main objective is the increase in the overall well being of the person.

    There are many conditions that are considered chronic and untreatable by conventional doctors, but may respond beautifully to homeopathic treatment. Problems ranging from depression to arthritis, asthma, migraines, ADD, skin problems, sinusitis, sleep disorders, allergies, digestive problems, neurological disorders just to name a few, can be addressed successfully by homeopathy.

    Homeopaths also treat a lot of patients who have recurrent acute infections. Antibiotics help them every time they get sick, but then the ear infection or a sinus infection comes back. Homeopathy can help to change this pattern by addressing the core imbalance in the body that leads to various recurrent diseases.

    Some patients come because they have problems that make them feel sick and unhappy, but conventional diagnostic methods haven’t found anything wrong. All tests are normal, but the person is sick. For this group of people homeopathy could be the answer, since homeopathy addresses the person as a whole, working on stimulating your body to come back to the state of balance, and well being.

    Some people come to homeopaths because they live a healthy life style and want medicines also to be natural and gentle.

    Very often, when I receive a call from a person considering homeopathic treatment, I hear: "Have you ever treated anybody with the "XYZ" diagnosis? "What is the success rate?" I do recognize the importance of this kind of information. Usually doctors wind up seeing patients with certain types of illnesses more often than others. They develop expertise, become SPECIALISTS. They know what method of treatment, what drug helps the best. A situation in homeopathy is dramatically different. Homeopathy is based on the PRINCIPAL OF SIMILARS: A SUBSTANCE THAT PRODUCES SYMPTOMS IN A HEALTHY PERSON CURES THOSE SYMPTOMS IN A SICK PERSON. Many authors give as an example coffee. People sensitive to coffee may feel restless and agitated with thoughts racing even after one cup of Espresso. In some cases, with other characteristics of an affected individual matching the picture of coffee overdose in a healthy person, Coffea – a homeopathic remedy made from coffee may cure insomnia.

   I hope, you can see now that THE MAIN ISSUE in homeopathy is finding THE REMEDY, which is SIMILAR to the constellation of symptoms and individual characteristics of THIS PARTICULAR PERSON. A diagnosis, although very important, does not influence the success of treatment as much as ability of the homeopath to find the perfect match. We also need to remember that certain conditions (genetically predetermined illnesses, for example) and late stages of chronic diseases are irreversible. There is no magic trick that would allow curing a person with the end-stage chronic illness. In situations like that palliation (a reduction of severity of symptoms) is the goal of treatment.


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